We discovered this quotation at Chelsea Physic Garden. It is the motto of Carl Linnaeus, the 18th Century Botanist and father of modern Taxonomy. We think his motto is so apt for our project that we have decided to adopt it.

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Dilapidated fake flower

Found in Kensal Green Cemetery, 15 July 07, in the Kensington and Chelsea side of the Cemetery
Possibly from grave flowers
Pictured are nearby sights: an elaborate grave, the main avenue of the Cemetery with the most substantial graves, a badly decayed grave with 'Danger Keep Out' sign, a grave with flowers in a jug made from a bleach bottle

Saturday, 14 July 2007


Animal masks - Badger, Hedgehog, Rabbit - from Party Party (?) High Street Kensington
Stones in bottle (home made rattle) from Holland Park, near Dog Toilet at High St. Ken entrance


Found 11th July 2007, 1.14pm on Kensington High Street, outside Party Party on the north side of the road. The fluorescent yellow wrist band has 'The O2' printed on it, as well as the number 08737. click here to view the location on streetmap.

envelope (part of)

This torn corner of an envelope was found on the 11th July 2007, at 12.02pm on Lots Road. Part of the franking is visible, including a code 'PB818800'. Click here to view the find location on streetmap.

Jesus Sticker

little man?

We're not sure what this small plastic component is, or does (was, or did?). 2 cm long, with the 'head' measuring 1.1cm across and the 'body' 0.6cm across, it is a moulded (possibly injection moulded) thermoplastic part in bright yellow. Evidence of attachment to another piece or part is present in the side nodules. Has sustained some superficial damage to the surface - scratched and slightly distorted in places. Found on the corner of Lots Road and Tadema Road, 11th July 2007, 12 noon. click here to view the location on streetmep.

During the course of our day at Chelsea Physic Garden many visitor made suggestions as to the origins and purpose of this perplexing plastic piece - though one of the last visitors of the day came up with an answer that we believe to be correct - that this is in fact the component of a disposable lighter that one depresses in order to release gas from the lighter fluid chamber.

1980s exercise


Immature green conker, found on the Thames Path opposite St Mary's Church Battersea on the 11th July at 11.49 am. We must assume that the inclement weather of the past couple of weeks knocked this conker down before it had a chance to fully ripen. Click here to view the location on streetmap.

During the course of our research we discovered that the horse chesnut - of which the 'conker' is the nut, is not native to the british isles but originated in a small mountainous region of the Balkans, being cultivated and transported around the world for its spectacular candle-like flowers.


Park Rules

Huge Donkey-Dog

Cone Bits

More Chewed Cones

Chewed Cones

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Small metal disc

Found 10th July 2007, on the pavement, lodged between raised bumps and engraved circle design of 'non-slip' surface, leading to pedestrian crossing (pictured). The find is a flat disc of bronze coloured metal, smooth on both sides, approximately one inch in diameter. The special surface of the pavement on which it was found is perhaps due to proximity of Royal Hospital, residence of Chelsea Pensioners (one Chelsea Pensioner is pictured using the crossing). It is probably this special surface which has trapped the find and prevented it from being cleaned away. The location is Royal Hospital Road, North side, opposite Royal Hospital.
click here to view the location in streetmap.

Double-sided note

Found 5 July 2007 on Kensington Church Street, lower end near the Church. This small square of paper was discovered leant upright against the stone wall, as if purposefully left. On examination it proved to be a double-sided note; one side of plain paper, inscribed with 'Argos' and a six digit number; the reverse pre-decorated with coloured (predominately pink and yellow) images of cartoon characters, hand written notes and diagram in two sections, possibly in Spanish. Decoration of hearts. Additional note in second colour of pen (blue rather than black) - 'salade' - perhaps a shopping list.
click here to view the location on streetmap.

These cartoon characters are in fact the Powerpuff Girls - or Meninhas Superpoderosas as it might be more appropriate to refer to them as - considering that this notelet has come all the way from Brazil, from a stationery manufacturer outside of Sao Paulo that licenses cartoon and other characters to produce home and office stationery. This leads us to believe that the writing on the notelet is in portuguese rather than spanish, and does indeed consist of a shopping list.
Grafons are the largest greetings card manufacturers in Brazil with 380 employees, their export marketing was only initiated in 2000, though the company was founded in 1972.

Heart Shaped Object

This object was found embedded in the grit in between the cracks in the pavement surrounding a yellow grid. It is about 1.5cm long, flat, shiny on one side and dull papery on the other. Perhaps it came from a cheap locket. The location of the find was Kensington Church Street - we have included some landmarks to place the area more precisely. On the opposite side of the road nearby was 'Mrs M.E.Crick' Chandelier shop; and directly opposite was the house of Muzio Clementi, Composer and sometime musical dueler to Mozart. On the find's side of the road was a pub, The Churchill Arms, the sign of which is pictured. Found 5th July 2007.

Monday, 9 July 2007

Clear plastic sticker found on Pembridge Gardens, 5th July 2007.

Another Magnum lollistick found a few feet from the other two sticks. 5th July 2007.

Lolli pop sticks. White paper stick for a boiled sweet type confectionary next to it a wooden stick used to hold Magnum ice creams. Found on Pembridge Gardens, 5th July 2007.

Workmens red plastic and cloth fabric glove. Found on the fence of Pembridge Square. 5th July 2007.
click here to view the location on streetmap.

Also found in the 'Pembridge Square ditch' (as we now affectionately call it) was this page from a map of Brighton. Found 5th July 2007.

This find appears to be a shutter hinge of some description but this needs to be researched and examined in much more detail to deduce its true function. Found on the perifery of Pembridge Square, 5th July 2007.
click here to view the location on streetmap

Black Plastic coated Bike Lock, Large, found on the perifery of Pembridge Square, on 5th July 2007.
We decided to leave the lock on top of the sign post as it seemed to have been placed there for its rightful owner to retrieve.

Find number four

Mother of Pearl Button, found on Kensington Place, near the corner with Kensington Church Street, 5th July 2007. click here to view the exact location on streetmap.